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On-The-Job "Coaching" Program

  • 24 Dec 2021 8:18 AM
    Reply # 12213341 on 12196742

    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I did have some follow up items to help better share what we do compared to your program as well as some questions.

    • I like the idea of succession planning! I think we would have a slightly more difficult time with that just due to the nature of turnover and "desire" to be a trainer. That doesn't rule out having discussions with our managers to have that plan in mind should someone start the process of transferring or leaving.
    • I agree that training cannot be the same for each person. With that said we still want every topic covered, this is why we have the checklists with the "must" knows. Things like soft skills are covered in person trainings by our L&D team. We are also testing the waters of videos  to help our trainers have resources readily available. 
    • If you don't mind me asking. What types of questions do you ask at the different intervals of your new hires? We also survey our supervisors; for them it's more of a how do you think the program did in helping your new team member. 
    • Two more questions for you: 
      • How do you handle ongoing training and resources for your trainers. We are looking at ways to make sure we keep them engaged as not all of our trainers are always training. We currently do quarterly meetings where we do a brief learning topic and discuss challenges, successes, etc.
      • How do you recognize/reward trainers? We are looking into ways to make the role of an on the job trainer more celebrated/understood/desired. We want to make sure we recognize their efforts and making the position more elevated. 

    Thank you again for the thoughtful insights. Let me know if there is any information I could share as well. 

  • 17 Dec 2021 10:21 AM
    Reply # 12198829 on 12196742

    Our process sounds somewhat similar.

    • Do you have best practices for selecting a trainer?
      • For more technical/process focused training each topic has a SME or SPOC (single point of contact) assigned.  That person is responsible for maintaining the training and SOP for their assigned subject areas.  If they leave that team/the company that topic area is included in their transition processes.  At one point we were better about our succession planning and made sure we had people lined up for those key areas.  For the more “soft” skill type training I work closely with the leadership team to identify the experts in those areas.
    • How is the training program structured?
      • We keep a master excel spreadsheet with several tabs.  The first is general training then each specific team has a tab.  When someone new starts we sit down with the leader to determine what is relevant.  Just because two people are joining the same team does not mean their training should be the same.  We fill in the classroom style training (currently virtual connects over Teams) with job shadows in between.  On our biggest team we have 101s (first week - what), 201s (second week - how), and 301s (6-8 weeks out – troubleshooting/now what).  I’m trying to get more of the 101s recorded as short videos so our trainers can spend less time on the what and more time on the hands on how.
    • How do you gather feedback?
      • We survey the new hires at 14, 45, and 90 days asking a variety of question about their training, mentor, onboarding to the team and company, etc.  We survey the hiring leader at 90 days as well.  This part is new and a plan to bump up the new hire’s survey against their leaders to make sure everyone is on the same page.
    • How do you measure "success"
      • We have an overall satisfaction rating, but also try to look for trends.  I always tell anyone looking at the surveys to not make a change based on one survey.  For example, one person may say there is not enough downtime and the very next month someone will say there is too much downtime.  I try to look at them very holistically. 

  • 16 Dec 2021 9:25 AM
    Message # 12196742

    Hello all,

    I wanted to see what other organizations are doing in terms of programs centered on a structured on-the-job training programs. For us, we have a program where individuals are designated by supervisors as Champions (trainers) for a new hire. They go through a series of courses to ensure they have the skills needed to conduct this role. 

    We have checklists created for the information that would need to be covered and demonstrated for a new hire to be "ready" to be on their own. Checklists are signed off on by trainer, new hire, and supervisor to ensure that information is covered and understood. 

    We do other pieces like surveys to new hires and supervisors, quarterly meetings with our trainers, and created a webpage for resources for everyone. I am wondering what other organizations are doing on programs like this?

    • Do you have best practices for selecting a trainer?
    • How is the training program structured?
    • How do you gather feedback?
    • How do you measure "success"

    Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated! 

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