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Get Involved with GCATD

Member engagement is key to the strength of our chapter. We welcome and encourage involvement at programs and in volunteer roles both small and large. Wise sages have said that we can learn a great deal about ourselves in the process of serving.

Please contact us if you would like to be a greeter, serve on a committee, mentor others in our field, or serve in a leadership role. We will do our best to match your strengths with your area of interest.

GCATD CHiP Code: CH3044 | ©Copyright 2020 GCATD -- all rights reserved

Use our Chapter Incentive Program (CHiP) code CH3044 when you shop at the ATD Store. Even on your ATD Membership for a $30 savings when you join or renew with National ATD!

What is Power Membership? When you join your chapter and ATD, you choose to be knowledge leaders in the talent development profession and change makers in your own backyard. MORE

GCATD Mailing Address:
PO Box 141445, Cincinnati, 0H 45250

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